WiSe 12/13  
History and Cul...  
Integrated Kore...  

WiSe 12/13: East Asia and the Middle East

Integrated Korean Studies (2012 study rgeulations)

    • Einführung in die Koreastudien: Kultur und Methoden 395aA2.2
    • Korean Intensive I 395aB1.2
    • Korean Intensive II 395aB1.3
    • Advanced Korean 395aB1.4
    • Preparation for Study Abroad: Korea 395aB2.2
    • Specialisation Module: Korean Studies 395aB2.3
    • Follow-up to Study Abroad 395aB2.4
    • Vertiefungsmodul Theorien und Diskurse der Koreastudien 395aB2.5
    • Specialisation Module: Advanced Social Science Research on Korea 395aB2.6

Subjects A - Z