29733 Hauptseminar

WiSe 13/14: Rethinking kinship through the lens of relatedness

Anita von Poser und Groß-Nädlitz

Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

das Seminar findet wöchentlich dienstags nur vom 15.10.-19.11. statt, dann folgen 3 Blockseminare: Fr 22.11. 9-13, 23.1. Sa 10-18, So 24.11. 10-18 (alle im Landoltweg 9-11, Raum 014)


The study of kinship has been a classical subject of anthropological enquiry. Triggered by the works of David Schneider (1984) and Janet Carsten (1997), however, scholars interested in the nature of human relationships have begun to rethink “kinship” as decreed by formal, structuralist approaches and as based on biological assumptions that prioritize physiological reproduction. Instead, a more dynamic, creative and indeed more emic approach – called “relatedness” – has come to the fore in recent theorizing about “kinship”, taking into view in particular the parameters of individual agency and social practice: how do individuals across the globe engage in the various processes of “making and unmaking kin”? What about new / postmodern family constellations such as patchwork families or same-sex couples and their children? What about the impact of biotechnology upon people’s lives? These and other questions will be addressed in the seminar in order to trace anthropological conceptions and misconceptions about what it means to be related. - Alber, E. Beer, B., Pauli, J. & M. Schnegg (eds.) 2010. Verwandtschaft Heute. Positionen, Ergebnisse und Perspektiven. Berlin: Reimer. - Bamford, S. 2007. Biology Unmoored. Melanesian Reflections and Life and Biotechnology. Berkeley et al: University of California Press. - Carsten, J. 1997. The Heat of the Hearth. The Process of Kinship in a Malay Fishing Community. Oxford: Clarendon Press. - Carsten, J. (ed.) 2000. Cultures of Relatedness. New Approaches to the Study of Kinship. Cambridge: Cambridge: University Press. - Carsten, J. 2004. After Kinship. Cambridge: Cambridge University. Press. - Schneider, D. 1984. A Critique of the Study of Kinship. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. - Von Poser, A. 2013. Foodways and Empathy. Relatedness in a Ramu River Society, Papua New Guinea. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books. Schließen

6 Termine

Zusätzliche Termine

Fr, 22.11.2013 09:00 - 13:00
Sa, 23.11.2013 10:00 - 18:00
So, 24.11.2013 10:00 - 18:00

Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung

Di, 15.10.2013 10:00 - 12:00

Dr. Anita von Poser und Groß-Nädlitz

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

Di, 22.10.2013 10:00 - 12:00

Dr. Anita von Poser und Groß-Nädlitz

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

Di, 29.10.2013 10:00 - 12:00

Dr. Anita von Poser und Groß-Nädlitz

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

Di, 05.11.2013 10:00 - 12:00

Dr. Anita von Poser und Groß-Nädlitz

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

Di, 12.11.2013 10:00 - 12:00

Dr. Anita von Poser und Groß-Nädlitz

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

Di, 19.11.2013 10:00 - 12:00

Dr. Anita von Poser und Groß-Nädlitz

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

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