12129 Colloquium

WiSe 13/14: Sicher im Kiez: Starke Kinder! Starke Demokratie!

Heather Cameron

Additional information / Pre-requisites

The students should write to Heather Cameron with a short description of why they are interested in the project, their planned Masters thesis topic, and experience in working with children in Grundschulalter, parent engagement programmes, or evaluation/wirkungsmessung. Sara and I will then hold interviews with chosen students.  The students be able to be flexible to work in schools up to 6 half days during school hours and/ or work evenings to do interviews with employed parents. close


Other information is available under Sicher im Kiez The students would be involved in up to three aspects of the programme: designing parent support  modules to accompany the project weeks including designing and conducting interviews with parents and testing parent modules, planning and leading project weeks in Grundschulen in Kreuzberg and conducting qualitative interviews with community members at our Kiez Gipfel to support an ongoing internal evaluation, reviewing materials on qualitative evaluations of similar social learning programmes and helping to design the new evaluation guidelines for future Sicher im Kiez programmes. close

Subjects A - Z