30202 Graduate Course

WiSe 17/18: Social Movements in Europe: a new Era?

Jochen Roose


The economic and financial crisis has shaken the European Union and in particular some Southern European member states. In the course of the crisis, we have witnessed a wave of protest. Also, initiatives of solidarity action reacted to the dramatic decline of the welfare state and the increase in poverty. Before the background of these developments, the seminar looks at social movement theory and applies these theories to past and recent developments. During the first part of the seminar, we discuss main theoretical concepts in the field of social movement studies. These include resource mobilization, political opportunity structure, framing, and identity, but also the question of social movement’s effects or an emerging movement society. In the second part, we will deal with cases of mobilization and make use of the theories. For this part, working groups will analyze chosen cases and present them to the course’s audience in a one day meeting (January 21, 2018). The presentations by working groups will provide empirical material to apply the theories discussed before. close

Suggested reading

Snow, D. et al., 2007: Mapping the Terrain. S. 3-16 in: David Snow, Sarah Soule & Hanspeter Kriesi (Hrsg.), The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Malden, Oxford: Blackwell.

7 Class schedule

Regular appointments

Fri, 2017-10-20 09:00 - 13:00

PD Dr. Jochen Roose

Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)

Fri, 2017-11-03 09:00 - 13:00

PD Dr. Jochen Roose

Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)

Fri, 2017-11-10 09:00 - 13:00

PD Dr. Jochen Roose

Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)

Fri, 2017-11-17 09:00 - 13:00

PD Dr. Jochen Roose

Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)

Fri, 2017-12-08 09:00 - 13:00

PD Dr. Jochen Roose

Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)

Fri, 2018-01-12 09:00 - 17:00

PD Dr. Jochen Roose

Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)

Fri, 2018-02-16 09:00 - 13:00

PD Dr. Jochen Roose

Garystr.55/301 Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)

Subjects A - Z