Cancelled 14180 Methods Tutorial

WiSe 17/18: Introduction into Primary Sources of Late Imperial and Modern Chinese History

Information for students

Leider muss dieser Kurs in diesem Semester entfallen! Ersatzweise wird im SoSe2018 der Kurs 14179 Methodenübung zur Geschichte Chinas von Prof. Christian Meyer angeboten.


This course introduces a range of Chinese texts used for research in the history of late imperial and modern China. We will focus on tracing, reading and analyzing different types of primary sources, official and unofficial. You will get familiar with basic archive research methods. The sources and methods covered in this course also have broad applicability to topics in China studies such as politics and arts. Students will write response papers to report their personal viewpoint and we will make connections to their own research interests. Examples will draw upon Chinese language materials. Intermediate to advanced reading knowledge of modern and literary Chinese is preferred. close

4 Class schedule

Regular appointments

Fri, 2018-01-26 10:00 - 18:00
Fri, 2018-02-02 10:00 - 18:00
Fri, 2018-02-09 10:00 - 18:00
Fri, 2018-02-16 10:00 - 18:00

Subjects A - Z