SoSe 13: SI: Sprachw.Methoden u. Englischunterricht
Robson Albuquerque
This course is intended to be partly theoretical but mostly practical. We will first review various teaching methods (in the realm of Applied Linguistics) used in language instruction, and then combine this knowledge with the linguistic theories that addresses language phenomena in the field of semantics, discourse, phonology and cognitive linguistics.
Requirements: You will be required to read the articles assigned for each class. In addition, you will design a lesson plan and conduct one short in-class demonstration using one of the methods, and teach a specific language form or function from the English language.
General Objective: At the end of the term, you will be able to articulate your own philosophy of language teaching based on the knowledge derived from the language teaching methods and the linguistic theories.
It is important to note that we will consider the basic principles for teaching and learning foreign languages adopted by local educational institutions; however we will also examine language teaching methods following the view that they can be applied to various language learning environments (class size, goals, etc.).
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