23309a Seminar

SoSe 14: S Aktuelle Themen der Ökologie

Monika Hilker

Information for students

"Erweiterungsmodul" MSc Biology (not listed yet in study programme / study regulations) and"Vertiefungsmodul", MSc Biodiversity studies (Weekend) Block course at June 21 & 22, 2014; see website Applied Zoology / Animal Ecology FU Berlin, Haderslebener Str. 9, AG-room; located in a building behind the "Villa". close

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Mandatory meeting for participation: April 15, 2014, 18:00, Lecture Hall Zoology, Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3.


Students will learn the ropes on how to get into a novel field of ecological science. They will gain knowledge on the mechanisms of organismic interactions. Furthermore, students will be taught in how to present scientific ideas and studies. They will also be trained in controversial scientific discussion; the topics focus on current ecological research. This course is also applicable as both "Erweiterungsmodul/MSc Biology" and as "Vertiefungsmodul/MSc Biodiversity studies". close

Subjects A - Z