SoSe 16: V A biologists perspective on recent topics in environmental sciences
Hanna Weise
Hinweise für Studierende
zusätzliche Modulinfos: http://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/studium-lehre/studiengaenge/biologie/master_bio/zerstueckelte-Ordnung/Modulvarianten-Master-Biologie/Aktuelle-Themen-Biodiv_oeko_-Evo/A-biologists-perspective-on-recent-topics-in-environmental-sciences.pdf Schließen
Qualifikationsziele: Students are familiar with recent literature and debates in the field of environmental sciences. They have acquired first insights on the communication of scientific results to non-scientific audiences/ scientist from other fields. They can present the salient points of papers/chapters and have acquired various facilitation techniques to lead productive group discussions on complex topics.
Inhalte: The focus of this seminar is on reading, discussing and presenting papers and chapters from reports. Topics include biodiversity loss and policies to counteract it, basics of ecological economics (e.g. validation, ecosystem services), concepts (e.g. resilience, transformations) and prospects and limits of trans/interdisciplinary research. Methodologically students will learn different facilitation techniques and train communication skills through the leading of group discussions.