SoSe 16: Introduction to Magneto-Optics
Paul Fumagalli
Introduction (history, classification of magneto-optic effects),
Basics of solid-state optics (Maxwell’s equations in material and complex optical quantities, Fresnel’s equations, polarization states and sign convention),
Classical theory of dispersion (Lorentz theory of absorption and dispersion, microwave cyclotron resonance, magnetic-field induced splitting of the reflectivity minimum),
Experimental aspects of magneto-optics (Jones matrix theory, experimental methods, enhancement effects),
Microscopic model (Becquerel’s equation, Kramers-Kronig relation, origin of spin-orbit interaction, quantum mechanical calculation of the optical conductivity),
Magneto-optics of magnetic semiconductors (optical and magneto-optic properties of magnetic semiconductors, magnetic circular dichroism),
Connection between magnetization and magneto-optics.
13 Termine
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