SoSe 16  
Education and P...  
Master in Educa...  

SoSe 16: Education

Master in Educational Studies (371a, to be discontinued)

    • Entwicklung im Bildungssystem und Bildungsforschung 0371aA1.1
    • Theoretical foundations of educational science a) research and development - institutions and organisations of the educational system 0371aA1.2
    • Theoretical foundations of education science b) education, culture, forms of knowledge - anthropology and culture 0371aA1.3
    • Conceptual foundations of practical activity fields a) research and development - fields of professional activity 0371aA1.4
    • Conceptual foundations of practical activity fields b) education, culture, forms of knowledge - knowledge-sharing in heterogeneous contexts 0371aA1.5
    • Bildungswissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden c) quantitative Methoden 0371aA1.6
    • Bildungswissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden d) qualitative Methoden 0371aA1.7
    • Research Planning and Publication 0371aA1.8
    • Lehrforschungsprojekt 0371aA1.9
    • Forschungscolloquium 0371aE2.1

Subjects A - Z