SoSe 17: Software-Project: Data Science
Tim Landgraf
Additional information / Pre-requisites
Target group:
Students of Informatics in the bachelor- or masterprogram
Interest in artificial intelligence
The Biorobotics Lab focuses on the investigation of complex biological systems (bee colonies, shoals of fish) with robots (RoboBee and RoboFish) and supercomputers (BeesBook). In the last years, the data volumes recorded in these projects have grown substantially. Often, these data represent time series that reflect position or behavior of the animal(s). In the software project we are going combine existing software tools into a new data analysis framework, learn about current methods for the unsupervised analysis of multi-dimensional time series and discuss a number of statistical tests that help quantify differences in animal behavior. Due to the size of the said datasets, we will use programming models for parallelized computing, such as MapReduce.
closeSuggested reading
wird während der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben.
40 Class schedule
Regular appointments
The Biorobotics Lab focuses on the investigation of complex biological systems (bee colonies, shoals of fish) with robots (RoboBee and RoboFish) and supercomputers (BeesBook). In ... read more