SoSe 17: Undergraduate Seminar: History of Computing
Raúl Rojas, Till Zoppke
Additional information / Pre-requisites
The seminar, part of the module „Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten“, will be conducted as block course on a long weekend. The course will end Sunday afternoon with an excursion to the Teufelsberg.
The Proseminar focuses on the history of surveillance. We start with psychological and sociological texts, such as the Chilling Effects and Foucault’s Panopticon, symbol of the modern surveillance state. Complementary readings are the Hacker Ethics and the Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. Further topics are military reconnaissance (Enigma/ Colossus) and intelligence (Clipper Chip, Echelon, Great Chinese Firewall). German topics are the Volkszählung of 1987 and the Vorratsdatenspeicherung. Recent history features commercial data collection e.g. through tracking cookies, privatization of surveillance through companies such as Hacking Team or the Gamma Group and the effects of the Snowden revelations.
Suggested reading
wird noch bekannt gegeben.
3 Class schedule
Additional appointments
Wed, 2017-02-22 12:00 - 14:00Regular appointments