SoSe 18: S-Lit. Stud.: Periods-Genres-Concepts II: Boundaries of Literature
Peter Löffelbein
"Literature" as a concept is notoriously vague. Never quite congruent with what it has been historically labelled as - belles-lettres, fictional writing or even textual artefacts in general - it remains both elusive and yet a central problem of literary theory.
This course revisits diverse approaches to the question of what literature is and where its boundaries might lie. Examining past and present understandings of the term, we will explore its historicity and discuss its adequacy for describing phenomena which might – or might not – be considered literary. Special attention shall be given to recent concepts that highlight literature’s intermedial and performative dimensions.
This course aims at deepening the students’ familiarity with a variety of concepts of literature and the term’s historicity. It advances the students’ awareness of theoretical issues and highlights the importance of transdisciplinary approaches in literary studies.
Schließen13 Termine
Zusätzliche Termine
Sa, 07.07.2018 12:00 - 14:00
JK 27/106 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung