SoSe 18: Seminar zur Visualisierung
Henriette-Sophie Lipschütz, Konrad Polthier
The students will work on a relevant topic of actual research in visualization and computer graphics. Usually, some research paper will be handed out that will be understood, prepared and represented by the students illustrated with up lightening examples. Therefore, own illustrations or implementations of the presented algorithms can be used.
Every participant prepairs a session to give the talk and to instruct a discussion.
Further, a preparation of the talk has to be submitted containing a detailed processing of the talk and a setting up of arised questions.
A digest of topics will arise from the following preliminary selection:
-main emphesis: physics of rods, shells, solids, deformable shapes, elastic materials, geometric discretation
-general techniques in visualization
-visualization of vector fields
-image processing
-smoothing of geometries
-discrete methods acting on 3D models
Actual information can be found on the course webpage of the working group:
close13 Class schedule
Regular appointments