SoSe 18: ProInformatik V: Introduction to Computer Science
Till Zoppke
Additional information / Pre-requisites
For the preconditions, please refer to the German description.
We welcome all pupils with interest in Computer Science who would like to get a feeling for university in their summer holidays. The course ProInformatik V is
- multifaceted
- virtual
- fun
In 2018, ProInformatik V will be offered for the first time and is a cooperation of FU Berlin with Gymnasium Tiergarten. Pupils may chose between easy and challenging tasks according to their competences. This course may be used as a preparatory class for ProInformatik-courses I - IV which deal with more comprehensive topics.
For more details, refer to the German description.
close14 Class schedule
Additional appointments
Tue, 2018-08-14 13:00 - 15:00
T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
Regular appointments