SoSe 18  
Biology, Chemis...  

SoSe 18: Pharmacy

Pharmazeutische Forschung


Welcome students of the Master’s Program Pharmaceutical Sciences!

You might have a number of questions regarding the study program and we would like to get together with you to answer these. For this, we offer an introductory information event taking place on Wednesday 18.04.2018 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m in seminar room 1 at the Institute of Pharmacy, Königin-Luise-Str. 2-4.

We are looking forward to welcome you at the institute and wish you a great start!

    • Pharmazeutisches Forschungsprojekt (10 LP) 0498aA2.6
    • Aktuelle Themen der Biochemie (5 LP) 0498aB1.1
    • Applied Plant Sciences (5 CP) 0498aB2.10
    • Advanced Microbiology (10 CP) 0498aB2.3
    • Protein-Protein Interactions in vivo and in vitro (10 CP) 0498aB2.4
    • Introduction to Epigenetics I - Epigenetic Mechanisms and their Biological Function (5 CP) 0498aB2.8
    • Molekülspektroskopie (5 LP) 0498aB3.10
    • Festkörper und Grenzflächen (5 LP) 0498aB3.12
    • Introduction to Macromolecular Chemistry (5 LP) 0498aB3.13
    • Advanced Macromolecular Chemistry (5 LP) 0498aB3.14
    • Moderne Methoden der Strukturbestimmung (5 LP) 0498aB3.4
    • Instrumentelle Analytik zur Strukturaufklärung in der Organischen Chemie (5 LP) 0498aB3.5
    • Fortgeschrittene Synthesemethoden (5 LP) 0498aB3.6
    • Naturstoffchemie und fortgeschrittene Bioorganische Chemie (5 LP) 0498aB3.7
    • Nanotoxologie (5 LP) 0498aB4.1
    • Advanced Biophysics (10 LP) 0498aB5.1

Subjects A - Z