23307c Internship

SoSe 19: P Fließgewässerökologie / Stream ecology - Geländepraktikum

Sonja Jähnig

Information for students

Mandadotry preliminary discussion 03.04.2019, following the live course-distribution ca 15:00 - 15:45.
The exam will take place at a later date after the excursion (23307b/c-S19) in Berlin.

Additional information / Pre-requisites

Verbindliche Vorbesprechung: direkt nach der Live-Verteilung am 03.04.2019, ca 15:00 - 15:45, im Gottlieb-Haberland-Hörsaal (Kleienr Hörsaal) in der Pflanzenphysiologie, Königin-Luise-Str. 12 -16.
Die Klausur findet nach dem Geländepraktikum (23307b/c-S19) in Berlin statt. close


This course combines a block seminar and a field trip to foster understanding of stream ecosystems. We will focus on the connection between abiotic habitat and the associated biodiversity, the intriguing ecological adaptations of invertebrates to this particular habitat, the functions of streams in the aquatic/terrestrial interface (on which we all so heavily depend), the role of disturbance of rivers, and the need and legal background of river assessment. During the fieldtrip two small mountain streams will be investigated. We will carry out faunal inventories and ecological assessments of the streams. We will further compare near natural and anthropogenically altered sections. Day and night trips to other aquatic habitats will complete the field trip. close

Suggested reading

Moss, 2010: Ecology of Freshwaters; Allan & Castillo, 2007: Stream Ecology

Subjects A - Z