216502a Lecture

SoSe 19: Macromolecular (protein-protein, protein-DNA/RNA) interactions / Makromoleculare (protein-protein, protein-DNA/RNA) Interaktionen

Sutapa Chakrabarti

Information for students

The number of participants in this block class is limited to 15. Should you wish to participate, please register yourself by sending an e-mail to chakraba@zedat.fu-berlin.de no later than one week before the first lecture.

The class will only be held if at least 6 students are registered on the day before the first lecture! close


Inhalt / Content:
  • Thermodynamic and kinetic definitions of macromolecular interactions
  • Biochemical methods of determining protein-protein interactions (co-precipitation, size-exclusion analysis, cross-linking mass spectrometry, TAP, FRET, yeast 2-hybrid, proximity-dependent biotin identification)
  • Biochemical methods of determining protein nucleic acid interactions (gel-shift assay, protection/foot-printing assays, yeast 3-hybrid)
  • Biophysical methods of analysing protein-protein/protein-nucleic acid interactions (analytical ultra-centrifugation, light scattering, isothermal titration calorimetry, surface plasmon resonance, fluorescent anisotropy, microscale thermophoresis)
  • Presentation and interpretation of biochemical and biophysical data
  • High throughput methods of analysis protein-nucleic acid interactions (micro-array technology, next-generation sequencing based methods such as CLIP and its variations, CRAC, Hits-FLIP and adaptation of classical methods such as SELEX and ChIP to high throughput techniques.
  • High throughput methods of analysing protein-protein interactions (computational methods as well as proteomics-based approaches)

Prof. Dr. Sutapa Chakrabarti: chakraba@zedat.fu-berlin.de close

Subjects A - Z