SoSe 19: Englische Philologie weitere Lehrveranstaltungen: Surveying English Literature: Contemporary Poetry
Susanne Schmid
This seminar aims to introduce students to developments in late C20th- and C21st-poetry. It will also treat key aspects and techniques of poetry analysis. If poetry sometimes has the reputation of being "difficult", the course will show how to tackle and enjoy such texts. We will look at the printed poem, at forms of presentation and publication (anthologies, journals, performance poetry, poetry and music, online publication), at institutions such as National Poetry Day and at British poetry prizes. Among the poets we will consider are Carol Ann Duffy, Tony Harrison, Simon Armitage, Moniza Alvi, Lavinia Greenlaw and Benjamin Zephaniah.
Please buy and acquaint yourselves with the following anthology: 100 Prized Poems: Twenty-Five Years of the Forward Books of Poetry, selected by William Sieghart (London: Faber and Faber, 2016). Please take care to buy this book (there are several others -- actually, just as interesting -- with similar titles, but we need this book). Please bring your favourite poem to the first session and be prepared to say a few words about it.
Shorter texts will be made available on Blackboard.
Literature:100 Prized Poems: Twenty-Five Years of the Forward Books of Poetry
, selected by William Sieghart (London: Faber and Faber, 2016). Jeffery Wainwright,Poetry: The Basics
(London: Routledge, 3rd ed. 2015). close5 Class schedule
Regular appointments