SoSe 19  
History and Cul...  
B.A. in Korean ...  

SoSe 19: East Asia and the Middle East

B.A. in Korean Studies (2010 study regulations)

    • Koreanisch I 0122bA1.1
    • Einführung in die Koreastudien I 0122bA2.1
    • Einführung in die Koreastudien II 0122bA2.2
    • East Asian History (including China and Japan) 0122bA3.1
    • Cultures of East Asia 0122bA3.2
    • East Asian Politics and Economy (focusing on China and Japan) 0122bA3.3
    • Koreanisch II 0122bB1.1
    • Korean III 0122bB1.2
    • Aufbaumodul Koreastudien I 0122bB2.1
    • Specialization Module I: Korean Studies 0122bB2.2
    • Specialization Module II: Korean Studies 0122bB2.3

Subjects A - Z