SoSe 20: Environmental Modelling using Python
Ekkehard Holzbecher
Hinweise für Studierende
Kurs findet online statt
Modul MSc- HG008: Modellierung in der Hydrogeologie II (V I (1 SWS)+ Ü I (1 SWS)+ V II (1 SWS) + Ü II (1 SWS)= 6 LP) / E006Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen
"Environmental Modelling" kann anstelle von "Transportmodellierung Hydrogeologie" (Karthikeyan) oder "Mass- and Energy Transport in Deep Aquifers" (Magri) gebucht werden, um das Modul HG008 zu komplettieren. Schließen
Der Blockkurs ‘Environmental Modeling’ wird in diesem Jahr nicht im CIP-Pool des
Lankwitz Campus stattfinden. Aufgrund der Situation bzgl. des COVID19 Virus wird er
online abgehalten. Er basiert auch nicht mehr auf der MATLAB software. Stattdessen ist
Python die Programmiersprache der Wahl. Alle Interessenten werden gebeten, sich vor
Kursbeginn mit dem Dozenten in Verbindung zu setzen
(ekkehard.holzbecher@gutech.edu.om), um die Modalitäten des Online-Zugangs sowie der
Software Installation abzuklären.
The course’s aim is twofold:
A. to introduce basic concepts of modeling environmental systems
B. to exercise the application of Python as free software package for scientific computing
The course is designed to
1. be a door opener to the field for novices without any background knowledge of
environmental modeling and of Python, and
2. to surprise those, who have some expertise, with advanced methods which they have not
been aware of.
Python was chosen as the computer tool for modeling, because it is
i. powerful,
ii. versatile,
iii. easy,
iv. popular,
v. free.
The first part of the course focuses on Python: (1) welcome to Python, (2) Integrated Developer
Environment (IDE), (3) programming, (4) program control flow. The second part introduces basic
concepts of environmental modeling: (5) networks and compartmental models, (6) non-linear ODE
models, (7) fluid flow simulation, including porous media flow, (8) general transport simulation,
including biogeochemistry. For the later topics data visualization techniques are taught as relevant
presentation methods. The third part deals with advanced topics: (9) statistical models, (10) parameter
estimation and (11) Geo-Information Systems. Schließen
The course is partially built on the book: Environmental Modeling using MATLAB, Springer Publ.,
Heidelberg/Berlin/New York (2nd ed), 2012, by the lecturer.
5 Termine
Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung
Mo, 31.08.2020 09:00 - 18:00
Di, 01.09.2020 09:00 - 18:00
Mi, 02.09.2020 09:00 - 18:00
Do, 03.09.2020 09:00 - 18:00
Fr, 04.09.2020 09:00 - 18:00