SoSe 20: Zellfreie Synthese von Membranproteinen
Stefan Kubick
Hinweise für Studierende
Da aus aktuellem Anlass momentan keine Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen erlaubt sind, findet diese Lehrveranstaltung vorerst nicht statt. Sie wird stattfinden, wenn Kurse, die eine Teilnahme erfordern, wieder erlaubt sind.
This course cannot take place at the moment, as any courses that require attendance are prohibited. It will take place, when courses that require attendance are permitted again.
This course cannot take place at the moment, as any courses that require attendance are prohibited. It will take place, when courses that require attendance are permitted again.
Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen
Achtung!: Voraussetzung ist der Besuch von V/S 216501 a, b in einem vorangegangenen Semester
The practical course "cell-free synthesis of membrane proteins" provides an overview on the production of functional membrane proteins. Methods for the generation of DNA- and RNA-templates suitable for transcription and translation in cell-free systems will be emphasized, with reference to prokaryotic and eukaryotic in vitro translation systems. The course covers specific case studies on "difficult-to-express" proteins. Labeling of membrane proteins by the incorporation of non-canonical amino acids will be explored in detail and the course concludes with a "hands-on-training" in the preparation of glycoproteins and posttranslationally modified membrane proteins in novel cell-free systems. This course includes pdfs to each segment.
Dr. S. Kubick: stefan.kubick@izi-bb.fraunhofer.de Schließen
The practical course "cell-free synthesis of membrane proteins" provides an overview on the production of functional membrane proteins. Methods for the generation of DNA- and RNA-templates suitable for transcription and translation in cell-free systems will be emphasized, with reference to prokaryotic and eukaryotic in vitro translation systems. The course covers specific case studies on "difficult-to-express" proteins. Labeling of membrane proteins by the incorporation of non-canonical amino acids will be explored in detail and the course concludes with a "hands-on-training" in the preparation of glycoproteins and posttranslationally modified membrane proteins in novel cell-free systems. This course includes pdfs to each segment.
Dr. S. Kubick: stefan.kubick@izi-bb.fraunhofer.de Schließen