SoSe 20: Zellfreie Synthese von Membranproteinen
Stefan Kubick
Hinweise für Studierende
Da aus aktuellem Anlass momentan keine Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen erlaubt sind, findet diese Lehrveranstaltung vorerst nicht statt. Sie wird stattfinden, wenn Kurse, die eine Teilnahme erfordern, wieder erlaubt sind.
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This course cannot take place at the moment, as any courses that require attendance are prohibited. It will take place, when courses that require attendance are permitted again.
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Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen
Achtung!: Voraussetzung ist der Besuch von V/S 216501 a, b in einem vorangegangenen Semester.
Cell-free Protein Synthesis in pro- and eukaryotic Systems
Cell-free Protein Synthesis in pharmaceutical Protein Research and Production
Cell-free coupled and linked transcription/translation Systems
Batch-formatted Reactions and Dialysis (CECF)-Systems
High-Throughput Membrane Protein Expression using Cell-free Systems
Cell-free Synthesis of toxic Proteins, labelled Proteins and Protein Conjugates
Cell-free Synthesis of "difficult-to-express" Proteins
Cell-free Antibody-Production
Chaperones, Nanodiscs and Detergents in Cell-free Systems
Qualitative and quantitative Analysis of cell-free produced Membrane Proteins
(Autoradiography and hot TCA Precipitation)
posttranslational Modification Pathways in Cell-free Systems
Generation of DNA-Templates by Expression-PCR
Co-translational Translocation in eukaryotic Cell-free Systems
Effects of Signal-Sequences in eukaryotic Cell-free Systems
Functional Analysis of Cell-free produced Ionchannels and GPCRs
Preparation of Giant Unilamelar Vesicles (GUVs)
Single-Molecule-Analysis of membrane-embedded Proteins
In vitro Synthesis of Glycoproteins
Site-specific Incorporation of non-canonical Amino Acids
Orthogonal Systems
Dr. S. Kubick: stefan.kubick@izi-bb.fraunhofer.de Schließen
Dr. S. Kubick: stefan.kubick@izi-bb.fraunhofer.de Schließen