24278f Practice seminar

SoSe 20: Environmental Modelling using Python

Ekkehard Holzbecher

Information for students

Kurs findet online statt

Modul MSc- HG008: Modellierung in der Hydrogeologie II (V I (1 SWS)+ Ü I (1 SWS)+ V II (1 SWS) + Ü II (1 SWS)= 6 LP) / E006

Additional information / Pre-requisites

"Environmental Modelling" kann anstelle von "Transportmodellierung Hydrogeologie" (Karthikeyan) oder "Mass- and Energy Transport in Deep Aquifers" (Magri) gebucht werden, um das Modul HG008 zu ... read more


Qualification aim: The students are able to use and understand different types of modelling (e.g. transport modelling) within hydrogeology.

Suggested reading

The course is partially built on the book: Environmental Modeling using MATLAB, Springer Publ., Heidelberg/Berlin/New York (2nd ed), 2012, by the lecturer.

5 Class schedule

Regular appointments

Mon, 2020-08-31 09:00 - 18:00
Tue, 2020-09-01 09:00 - 18:00
Wed, 2020-09-02 09:00 - 18:00
Thu, 2020-09-03 09:00 - 18:00
Fri, 2020-09-04 09:00 - 18:00

Subjects A - Z