SoSe 20: Ethical concepts in the Qur‘an
Ruben Schenzle
Information for students
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We approach the Qur’anic text from two angles. 1. The Qur’an in a human context. What hermeneutical approaches do exist? 2. Man in the qur’anic context. What does the Qur’an say about human existence? Participants learn how to encounter such concepts as taqwa, ?alifa, amana, birr, fi?ra, iman philologically and to locate them both in qur’anic (lat-antique) and early Islamic (theological) discourse. close
Suggested reading
M. A. Draz: The moral world of the Qur'an. London 2008; T. Izutsu: Ethico-religious concepts in the Qur?an. Montreal 1966; M. Fakhry: Ethical theories in Islam. Leiden 1991.