14293 Graduate Course

SoSe 20: Arabic Studies online - how does it work?

Victoria Mummelthei

Information for students

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The need to move teaching to the virtual classroom came as a surprise to both students and teachers. Is it at all possible to convey or acquire the methodological and content knowledge of a philology such as Arabic Studies entirely online? In this seminar, we explore the question of how various topics of Arabic Studies could be taught online: What formats are there (e.g. seminars with a focus on discussion, reading courses, methodological exercises, language courses ...)? How can such formats be implemented online or do we have to think up completely new formats? When and where is live-streaming useful? The students develop various short concepts and present them for discussion in a forum. In joint online sessions, different concepts are finally reflected upon. close

Suggested reading

Information about online sessions via Cisco WebEx can be found in Blackboard.

Additional appointments

Tue, 2020-04-21 12:00 - 13:00
1. Online-Session per Cisco WebEx

Dr. Victoria Mummelthei

Subjects A - Z