SoSe 20: Alternative Splicing and Protein-RNA-Interaction
Florian Heyd
Information for students
Da aus aktuellem Anlass momentan keine Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen erlaubt sind, findet diese Lehrveranstaltung vorerst nicht statt. Sie wird stattfinden, wenn Kurse, die eine Teilnahme erfordern, wieder erlaubt sind.
This course cannot take place at the moment, as any courses that require attendance are prohibited. It will take place, when courses that require attendance are permitted again.
Das Seminar findet parallel zum Praktikum statt. close
This course cannot take place at the moment, as any courses that require attendance are prohibited. It will take place, when courses that require attendance are permitted again.
Das Seminar findet parallel zum Praktikum statt. close
Prof. Dr. F. Heyd: florian.heyd@fu-berlin.de close
- RNA world model
- Properties of nucleic acids
- Chemical synthesis of DNA and RNA
- Purification of oligonucleotides
- Chemical synthesis of modified nucleic acids
- Structural analysis of nucleic acids
- Small and large ribozymes
- Noncoding RNAs
- Antisense strategies and RNA interference
- Design of aptamers and spiegelmers
- Biochip developments with nucleic acids
- Biosensors employing nucleic acids
- Nucleic acids as novel diagnostics
- Clinical developments with nucleic acid drugs
- Abzymes and aptazymes
- Protein design through display strategies
Prof. Dr. F. Heyd: florian.heyd@fu-berlin.de close