216406b Laboratory Course

SoSe 20: Gene editing with CRISPR/Cas9 for cell biology

Francesca Bottanelli

Information for students

Da aus aktuellem Anlass momentan keine Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen erlaubt sind, finden Praktika vorerst nicht statt. Sie werden wieder stattfinden, wenn Kurse, die eine Teilnahme erfordern, wieder erlaubt sind.  
The lab courses cannot take place at the moment, as any courses that require attendance are prohibited. They will take place, when courses that require attendance are permitted again.



The students will learn:
• How to use bio-informatic tools for CRISPR/Cas9 technology
• How to clone all the required plasmids for the insertion of tags into the genomic locus of genes of interest
• How to culture and transfect human cell culture models
• Live-cell confocal and stimulated-emission depletion (STED) microscopy

Prof. Dr. Bottanelli: Francesca.bottanelli@fu-berlin.de close

Subjects A - Z