21333a Lecture

SoSe 21: Electronic structure methods for surfaces

Yuriy Dedkov, Beata Paulus, Thomas Risse, Elena Voloshina

Information for students

Online meeting information will be send via email to the students which have signed in till 13.4.21 in Campus Management or have send an email to Beate Paulus (b.paulus@fu-berlin.de)

Additional information / Pre-requisites

The elective course “Electronic structure methods for surfaces (theory and experiment)” will give a broad overview of available modern approaches which are used for the investigation of the crystallographic structure and electronic properties of surfaces and interfaces. Here the principles of several state-of-the-art theoretical and experimental methods will be presented and discussed – in theory: quantum chemistry and density functional theory approaches; in experiment: diffraction and microscopy methods for the studies of surface structures (LEED, PED, STM) and electron spectroscopy methods for the investigations of the electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces (STS, XPS, NEXAFS, ARPES).

Content of the lecture and the tutorials:
? Crystal structure and space groups
? Theoretical approaches and modern theoretical methods for solids and surfaces
? Overview of available computational codes for the electronic structure
? Experimental diffraction methods for structural studies
? Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy for surfaces
? Electron spectroscopy methods for surfaces and interfaces

Application of all theoretical and experimental methods will be considered for the interesting specific examples and hands-on exercises will allow to get closer look on the specific features (advances and limitations) of the methods and approaches. close

Subjects A - Z