SoSe 21  
Education and P...  
Childhood Studi...  

SoSe 21: Education

Childhood Studies and Children's Rights

    • Kindheitsstudien / Childhood Studies 0235cA1.1
    • Kinderrechte / Children's Rights 0235cA1.2
    • Methods and Techniques of Childhood and Children's Rights Research 0235cA1.3
    • Work and Education of Children in an International and Intercultural Comparison 0235cA1.4
    • Children out-of-place and child rights-oriented practice 0235cA1.5
    • Kinder und Medien / Children and Media 0235cA1.6
    • Final Project: Internship 0235cA1.7
    • Final Project: Research Proposal 0235cA1.8

Subjects A - Z