24210127 Lehrforschungsprojekt

SoSe 22: LFP - Projektbezogenes Arbeiten

Charrlotte Adelina

Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

The dates for the LFP will be planned in discussion with students during the PjS course


Objectives: The students are able to independently plan a smaller research project, collect data, evaluate the collected data, answer a self-posed scientific question and present the results. The module qualifies the students for independent evaluation and presentation of research results and prepares them for the bachelor thesis. Contents: The students plan an independent project in the field of geographic research or practice. A project structure is being developed that also contains a schedule for carrying out the field work and evaluating it. In the field, the students independently collect primary data on a question developed in the seminar using geographical methods. These can be, for example, the measurement of soil and runoff parameters, the mapping of catchment areas or the creation, Description and sampling of soil profiles or outcrops as well as quantitative or qualitative surveys, observations or mappings. They evaluate the independently collected data with qualitative or quantitative methods or analysis techniques and interpret them with reference to the developed question. The project can come from the field of physical geography, anthropogeography, applied geography or remote sensing. Be observations or mappings. They evaluate the independently collected data with qualitative or quantitative methods or analysis techniques and interpret them with reference to the developed question. The project can come from the field of physical geography, anthropogeography, applied geography or remote sensing. Be observations or mappings. They evaluate the independently collected data with qualitative or quantitative methods or analysis techniques and interpret them with reference to the developed question. The project can come from the field of physical geography, anthropogeography, applied geography or remote sensing.


Studienfächer A-Z