SoSe 22: Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Mikroökonomie (S1) - Behavioral Economics
Peter Mohr
The course is split in two parts, (a) lectures and (b) group work. During the lectures the lecturer will teach basic economic concepts of individual decision making. He will present normative benchmarks (i.e. expected utility theory, discounted utility model, nash equilibrium) as well as behavioral findings that challenge these models and alternative theories/models that are better able to explain these behavioral findings. In the second part of this course students are supposed to work in small groups. Each group will get a random behavioral economics phenomenon as a topic. The goal is to design simple experiments/questionnaires. These can be either be combined to one big experiment/questionnaire or conducted by each group separately. After the data collection students are supposed to analyze their data and present their findings to the participants of the course. After the course students are supposed to individually write a paper about their topic/data.
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