SoSe 22: Togethering (transmission and appropriation)
Alice Chauchat
Since 2014, Alice Chauchat has been developing, under the umbrella title “Togethering”, a choreographic research on an ethics of togetherness. This work, based in the creation and practice of dance scores, is centered on the sense of alterity and aims at activating movement towards rather than the act of grasping (the other, the dance, the environment...).
Over 8 sessions, Alice will transmit to the students some of the dance scores that feed her work. All together they will work towards the appropriation of these scores by the students and observe in this process how individual language and imagination need to adapt the score in order to pass on what seems relevant to the person carrying it.
We will use the last session to produce a mini publication from the adapted scores. At some point we might organise a little open-air party and invite friends and colleagues to dance these dances with us.
The attendance of all sessions is obligatory.
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