SoSe 22: PS- Levels of Linguistic Analysis II: Grammar
Kirsten Middeke
This seminar provides an introduction to the empirical analysis of linguistic structures and their functions at different levels of linguistic analysis, with a focus on English grammatical constructions. We will read academic papers on various linguistic phenomena, trace their line of argumentation, critically assess the conclusions drawn and use electronic text corpora and related tools to replicate (and possibly improve on) the authors’ methodologies of investigation. After the course, students will be equipped with the technical and linguistic know-how to write an empirical paper of their own. Those interested are encouraged to think about possible ways of applying the linguistic knowledge gained in this seminar to issues in language teaching, translating, journalism, public relations, artificial intelligence or other areas of study.
Credit requirements are:
- weekly reading questions, to be submitted online the night before class
- regular participation in discussions, based on weekly reading assignments and/or research homework
- active participation, including the presentation (in groups) of an academic poster towards the end of the semester
- an empirical academic paper of c2000 words
14 Class schedule
Regular appointments