29651 Hauptseminar

WiSe 12/13: The anthropology of China

Susanne Brandtstädter

Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

Interessierte melden sich bitte bei der Dozentin an unter unter e-mail: s.e.brandtstadter[at]sai.uio.no Die Veranstaltung findet in Form von Blockseminaren statt: je 10-16 Uhr am 18., 19., 20., 25., 26. und 27.1. 2013. der Veranstaltungsort ist Landoltweg 9-11, Raum 014. Nur am Fr 25.1. muss das Seminar ausnahmsweise im Raum KL 29/137 in der Habelschwerdter Allee 45 stattfinden. Schließen


The seminar introduces students to the anthropology of China by focusing on its main themes as they have developed since the 1980s: 'state, kinship, and history'; 'family, class, and work'; 'regional cultures, majorities and minorities', 'self, gender, and sentiment'; 'citizenship, law, and popular protest'; 'politics, religion, and modernity'. A minimum of two classes will be devoted to each of these themes. The focus of the course is the ethnography of mainland China in the 20th and 21th centuries. This will be complemented by readings that explore the nature of imperial Chinese society, so that students can grasp continuities and changes in everyday life and better understand the nature of China's engagement with global modernities. Introductory readings: Watson, James 1982: "Chinese Kinship Reconsidered: Anthropological Perspectives on Historical Research". China Quarterly (92): 589-622. Greenhalgh, Susan 2003: "Planned Birth, Unplanned Persons: Population in the Making of Chinese Modernity" American Ethnologist 30 (2): 196-215. Schließen

Zusätzliche Termine

Fr, 18.01.2013 10:00 - 16:00

Prof. Susanne Brandtstädter

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

Sa, 19.01.2013 10:00 - 16:00

Prof. Susanne Brandtstädter

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

So, 20.01.2013 10:00 - 16:00

Prof. Susanne Brandtstädter

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

Fr, 25.01.2013 10:00 - 16:00

Prof. Susanne Brandtstädter

KL 29/137 Übungsraum (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)

Sa, 26.01.2013 10:00 - 16:00

Prof. Susanne Brandtstädter

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

So, 27.01.2013 10:00 - 16:00

Prof. Susanne Brandtstädter

Landoltweg 9-11 - 014 Seminarraum (Landoltweg 9 / 11)

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