17584 Übung

WiSe 12/13: Choreographing ideas: moving, thinking, and writing about dance. Interweaving approaches: dance meets visual arts

Christina Rosa

Hinweise für Studierende

Erster Veranstaltungstermin, 16.11., beginnt im DanceLab


Choreographing ideas: moving, thinking, and writing about dance Interweaving approaches: dance meets visual arts By Dr. Cristina Rosa The Übung offers an introduction to issues surrounding the production, dissemination, and preservation of (static or moving) images and their significance to the field of dance studies. Combining theory with practice, this seminar is concerned with a particular range of topics such as the authority of documentation; the ethics of producing and/or exhibiting audio-visual resources; the aesthetics of dance archives; the intersection between choreographing and mapping; conceptual metaphors; assemblages; fixed ideas; colonial gaze; and epistemic blindness. Drawing from examples within her own research, Rosa will present critical ways to incorporate images within academic inquiries and presentations. Additionally, she will discuss the “making of” particular projects, offering students a hands-on opportunity to view of how those theoretical issues work in practice. A last, Rosa will introduce creative processes of playing with images as thinking/moving exercises. Schließen

4 Termine

Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung

Fr, 16.11.2012 10:00 - 17:00

Christina Rosa

DanceLab (Grunewaldstr. 35)

Sa, 17.11.2012 10:00 - 17:00

Christina Rosa

DanceLab (Grunewaldstr. 35)
103 Sitzungsraum (Grunewaldstr. 35)

Fr, 23.11.2012 10:00 - 17:00

Christina Rosa

DanceLab (Grunewaldstr. 35)
103 Sitzungsraum (Grunewaldstr. 35)

Sa, 24.11.2012 10:00 - 17:00

Christina Rosa

DanceLab (Grunewaldstr. 35)
103 Sitzungsraum (Grunewaldstr. 35)

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