WiSe 13/14: (GEND) Masculinity and Violence. Feminist and Postcolonial Perspectives
Moritz Konradi; Ruth Streicher
The nexus of masculinity and violence is often evoked in peace and conflict studies. Notions like male aggression, militarised masculinity, hegemonic masculinity or hypermasculinity are frequently deployed as powerful explanatory terms for conflict, but tend to be used in generalised and de-contextualised ways. How is it that the maleness of violence and the violence of masculinity seem so self-evident, when in fact, both masculinity and violence are complex and contingent categories and intersect with other modes of social stratification?
In our class we will question these categories and trace their emergence in specific political, gendered and racialised contexts, using both historical and contemporary examples. To complicate understandings of the relationships between masculinity and violence, we will discuss theoretical approaches from feminist and postcolonial literature and engage with current debates in peace and conflict studies. For instance, we inquire into the historical construction of 'martial races' in colonial India and look at the contemporary marketisation of racialised 'warrior masculinities' in private security companies, but also trace the historically constituted gendered underpinnings of contemporary peacebuilding interventions and ask about the emergence of the military at the intersection of gender, race and nationality.
16 Termine
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