WiSe 13/14: Literary Translation-T1-5 LP: Translating Literature: A Practical Introduction to Methods and Strategies
Ruth Wishart
Aims and Objectives
This module is a translation course for native speakers of English and German. It will develop the skills necessary for translating a wide range of literary texts from German into English, as well as from English into German. Students are generally expected to translate from the foreign language into the native language.
Attention will be paid in Tutorial I to the particular challenges that arise in translating between two closely related Germanic languages, German and English, which have developed their own characteristic range of structures, vocabulary and literary styles.
Texts examined will include prose and poetry, covering a wide range of registers, including classic literature, contemporary writing and children's literature. The course will also cover some background in translation methodology, cultural factors in translation, as well as register and style.
Learning Outcomes
During the module, students will learn:- to develop the skills necessary for high-quality literary translation. These include close reading, text analysis, advanced translation skills and decision-making based on a complex range of linguistic and literary factors, enabling students to make informed decisions on matters of detail and to use language both accurately and creatively.
- to develop high level of linguistic proficiency in English, paying particular attention to linguistic accuracy as well as sensitivity to style and register
- to read and assess literary texts incisively, paying attention to detail, developing strategic decision-making skills
- to make use of various resources and dictionaries
Module Requirements
Students will be required both to present their own original translations as well as to analyse and compare the work of professional translators. To complete Tutorial I and gain 5 credit points students will have to complete a portfolio of translations throughout the semester (roughly 2500 words).
Language requirements
The course will be held in English. Students must be native speakers of English or German and have an active command of sophisticated, near native-speaker language skills (C2) in the other language.
TeilnehmerInnen müssen Deutsch oder Englisch als Muttersprache beherrschen mit kompetenter Sprachverwendung (hohes Sprachniveau bis fast muttersprachliche Sprachkompetenz, C2) in der anderen Sprache.
close16 Class schedule
Regular appointments