WiSe 14/15: Advanced Solid State Physics
Wolfgang Kuch
Hinweise für Studierende
Target group: Master students during the coursework phase.
Requirements: Solid state physics and quantum mechanics are helpful.
The lecture aims to establish a link between the fundamentals of solid state physics and specialized lectures on actual research topics. The following topics will be covered:
Structure of solids, ... Lesen Sie weiter
- Ashcroft/Mermin: Solid state physics;
- Kittel: Introduction to solid state physics;
- Lüth: Solid surfaces, interfaces and thin films;
- Bland and Heinrich: Ultrathin magnetic structures
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32 Termine
Zusätzliche Termine
Fr, 10.04.2015 12:00 - 14:00Nachklausur
Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung
Di, 14.10.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 21.10.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 28.10.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 04.11.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 11.11.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 18.11.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 25.11.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 02.12.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 09.12.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 16.12.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 06.01.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 13.01.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 20.01.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 27.01.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 03.02.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Di, 10.02.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 17.10.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 24.10.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 31.10.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 07.11.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 14.11.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 21.11.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 28.11.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 05.12.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 12.12.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 19.12.2014 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 09.01.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 16.01.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 23.01.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 30.01.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 06.02.2015 12:00 - 14:00
Fr, 13.02.2015 12:00 - 14:00