WiSe 14/15: Computational Network Analysis
Claudia Müller-Birn
Hinweise für Studierende
Studierende am Ende ihres Bachelorstudium (> 4 Semester) und Studierende im Masterstudiengang Informatik oder aus verwandten Disziplinen (Mathematik, Bioinformatik)
Webseite: https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/inf/groups/hcc/teaching/Wintersemester-2014_15/index.html Schließen
Webseite: https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/inf/groups/hcc/teaching/Wintersemester-2014_15/index.html Schließen
Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen
Es handelt sich um eine zweiwöchige Blockveranstaltung, welche vom 16.02.2015 bis zum 27.02.2015 stattfindet.
The World Wide Web is based on formally defined languages and protocols, but only human activities in the Web such as the creation of Web pages, the use of applications, such as blog platforms, social networking services (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) and Wikipedia, generate added value. This added value is based on the interrelationship of content that is created and used by millions of individuals and organizations, as well as the underlying technology.
In this course, you will learn central concepts and approaches of network analysis by discussing existing research findings in this area. This enables you to analyze data collected from Web by defining social or information networks. The practical application of your insights takes place within a separate class project.
We will deal with the following topics:
In this course, you will learn central concepts and approaches of network analysis by discussing existing research findings in this area. This enables you to analyze data collected from Web by defining social or information networks. The practical application of your insights takes place within a separate class project.
We will deal with the following topics:
- Basic network measures (e.g., centrality),
- Network models (random, scale-free),
- Network structures (e.g., bow-tie structure of the Web),
- Community detection, modularity and overlapping Communities,
- Dissemination of information in networks, and
- Analysis of temporal networks.
- Newman, Mark: Networks: An Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Dorogovtsev, Sergey: Lectures on Complex Networks, Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Easley, David, Kleinberg, Jon: Network, crowds, and markets. Cambridge, 2010.
10 Termine
Zusätzliche Termine
Mo, 02.03.2015 12:00 - 14:00Klausur
Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung
Mo, 16.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Di, 17.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Mi, 18.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Do, 19.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Fr, 20.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Mo, 23.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Di, 24.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Mi, 25.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Do, 26.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00
Fr, 27.02.2015 10:00 - 13:00