WiSe 14/15: Biology


  • Introduction to Advanced Biology (15 LP)

    • 23400a Lecture
      V Introduction to advanced biology (Dozenten der Masterstudiengänge des Instituts für Biologie)
      Schedule: im Block: 13.10 - 4.12.2014: Mo - Do; 9:00 - 10:45 (Class starts on: 2014-10-13)
      Location: 005 Kleiner Hörsaal (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)
    • 23400b Seminar
      S Introduction to advanced biology (Tina Romeis)
      Schedule: im Block: 13.10. - 4.12.14; Mo - Do; 10:45- 11:30 (Class starts on: 2014-10-13)
      Location: 005 Kleiner Hörsaal (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)
    • 23400ak Written Exam
      Klausur Introduction to advanced biology
      Schedule: Mi 17.12. 14:00-16:00, Do 26.02. 14:00-15:00 (Class starts on: 2014-12-17)
      Location: 014 Großer Hörsaal (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)
  • Introduction to R for Statistical Applications (10 CP)

    • 23408a Lecture
      V Einführung in R für statistische Anwendungen (Stefan Hempel, Jana Petermann, Britt-Kristien Tietjen)
      Schedule: im Block: 29.9.- 10.10.14; täglich; 9:00- 11:15 (Class starts on: 2014-09-29)
      Location: Seminarraum II, Königin-Luise-Str.1-3
    • 23408b Seminar
      S Einführung in R für statistische Anwendungen (Stefan Hempel, Jana Petermann, Britt-Kristien Tietjen)
      Schedule: im Block: 29.9.- 10.10.14; täglich; 14:00- 15:15 (Class starts on: 2014-09-29)
      Location: 4 Seminarraum II
    • 23408c PC-based Seminar
      S-PC Einführung in R für statistische Anwendungen (Stefan Hempel, Jana Petermann, Britt-Kristien Tietjen)
      Schedule: im Block: 29.9.- 10.10.14; täglich; 11:15- 13:30 (Class starts on: 2014-09-29)
      Location: 4 Seminarraum II
  • Modul Allgemeine Biologie VII (20 LP)

    • 23413a Lecture
      V Prinzipien der Virologie (Regine Heilbronn, Stefan Weger)
      Schedule: semesterbegleitend: 16.10.14- 5.2.15; Do; 17:15- 18:45 (Class starts on: 2014-10-16)
      Location: Institut für Infektionsmedizin, Hindenburgdamm 27, 12203 Berlin, Raum E24 (neben dem Hörsaal)
  • Current Topics in Microbiology (5 CP)

  • Biological Safety when dealing with Microbial Pathogens (5 CP)

  • Current Topics in Molecular and Cell Biology (5 CP)

    • 216331a Lecture
      Glycobiology / Glykobiologie (Christoph Rademacher, Daniel Kolarich)
      Schedule: Mo 17:00-18:30 (Class starts on: 2014-10-13)
      Location: SR 25.20 (Takustr. 3)
    • 216331b Seminar
      Glycobiology / Glykobiologie (Christoph Rademacher, Daniel Kolarich)
      Schedule: Mi 16:30-18:00 (Class starts on: 2014-10-15)
      Location: SR 25.20 (Takustr. 3)
  • Molecular Plant Genetics (15 CP)

  • Methods of Plant Molecular Biology (20 CP)

    • 23415a Lecture
      V Methoden der Pflanzenmolekularbiologie (Reinhard Kunze, Thomas Schmülling, Wolfgang Schuster, Tomás Werner und andere Dozenten der Angewandten Genetik)
      Schedule: im Block: 5.1.- 30.1.15; täglich; 9:15 - 10:00 (Class starts on: 2015-01-05)
      Location: 110/111 Seminarraum (Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 6)
    • 23415b Seminar
      S Methoden der Pflanzenmolekularbiologie (Reinhard Kunze, Thomas Schmülling, Wolfgang Schuster, Tomás Werner und andere Dozenten der Angewandten Genetik)
      Schedule: im Block: 5.1. - 30.1.15; täglich; 10:00-11:00 (Class starts on: 2015-01-05)
      Location: 110/111 Seminarraum (Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 6)
    • 23415c Internship
      P Methoden der Pflanzenmolekularbiologie (Reinhard Kunze, Thomas Schmülling, Wolfgang Schuster, Tomás Werner und andere Dozenten der Angewandten Genetik)
      Schedule: im Block: 5.1.- 30.1.15; täglich; 11:00 - 15:00 (Class starts on: 2015-01-05)
      Location: 110/111 Seminarraum (Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 6)
    • 23415d Practice seminar
      Ü Methoden der Pflanzenmolekularbiologie (Reinhard Kunze, Thomas Schmülling, Wolfgang Schuster,Tomas Werner und andere Dozenten der Angewandten Genetik)
      Schedule: im Block: 5.1.- 30.1.15, täglich; 15:00- 17:00 (Class starts on: 2015-01-05)
      Location: 110/111 Seminarraum (Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 6)
  • Molecular Neurogenetics (20 CP)

    • 23417a Lecture
      V Molekulare Neurogenetik (Stephan Sigrist, Astrid Petzoldt und Mitarbeiter)
      Schedule: im Block: 2.3.- 27.3.2015; täglich; 9:00 - 17:00 (Class starts on: 2015-03-02)
      Location: 021 Praktikumsraum (Takustr. 6)
    • 23417b Seminar
      S Molekulare Neurogenetik (Stephan Sigrist, Astrid Petzoldt und Mitarbeiter)
      Schedule: im Block: 2.3. - 27.3.15; täglich; 9:00- 17:00 (Class starts on: 2015-03-02)
      Location: 021 Praktikumsraum (Takustr. 6)
    • 23417c Internship
      P Molekulare Neurogenetik (Stephan Sigrist, Astrid Petzoldt und Mitarbeiter)
      Schedule: im Block: 2.3.- 27.3.15; täglich; 9:00- 17:00 (Class starts on: 2015-03-02)
      Location: 021 Praktikumsraum (Takustr. 6)
  • Introduction to Epigenetics II - Epigenetics and Human Diseases

  • Molecular Biology of Organelles (15 CP)

    • 23412a Lecture
      V Organellengenetik (Wolfgang Schuster)
      Schedule: im Block: 16.2.- 27.2.15; täglich; 8:30 - 10:00 (Class starts on: 2015-02-16)
      Location: 110/111 Seminarraum (Albrecht-Thaer- Weg 6)
    • 23412b Seminar
      S Molekularbiologie der Organellen (Wolfgang Schuster)
      Schedule: Sa; 14.2.2015; 8.30-17.00 (Class starts on: 2015-02-14)
      Location: 110/111 Seminarraum (Albrecht-Thaer- Weg 6)
    • 23412c Internship
      P Molekularbiologie der Organellen (Wolfgang Schuster)
      Schedule: im Block:16.2. - 27.2.15; täglich; 10:00- 17:30 (Class starts on: 2015-02-16)
      Location: Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 6, Neubau in den Räumen 201 und 204
  • Behavioural Ecology (5 CP)

    • 23401a Lecture
      V Verhaltensökologie (Christian Voigt)
      Schedule: im Block: 24.10. - 19.12.2014; Fr; 14:00- 14:45 (Class starts on: 2014-10-24)
      Location: 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 6)
    • 23401b Seminar
      S Verhaltensökologie (Christian Voigt)
      Schedule: im Block: 24.10. - 19.12.14; Fr; 14:45- 15:30 (Class starts on: 2014-10-24)
      Location: 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 6)
  • Development and Function of Neuronal Circuits (10 CP)

  • Development Neurobiology (10 CP)

    • 23409a Seminar
      S Entwicklungsneurobiologie (Fritz-Günter Rathjen, Gary Lewin)
      Schedule: im Block: 12.1.- 30.1.15; täglich; 9:00- 9:45; am 12.1. Beginn 10:00 (Class starts on: 2015-01-12)
      Location: MDC.C, SR Dendrit 3 (3. Etage)
    • 23409b Internship
      P Entwicklungsneurobiologie (Fritz-Günter Rathjen, Gary Lewin)
      Schedule: im Block: 12.1- 30.1.15; täglich; 10:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2015-01-12)
      Location: MDC.C, SE Dendrit 3 (3. Etage) und Praktikumsräume im MDC.C
  • Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions (15 CP)

  • New Trends in Ecological Sciences (5CP)

  • Research Topics in Plant Biology in DCPS (5 CP)

  • Module outside of the programme

    • 23404a Internship
      P Funktionelle Neurobiologie (Hans-Joachim Pflüger, Silke Sachse, Marco Schubert, Natalia Kononenko)
      Schedule: im Block: 5.1. - 6.2.15; 10:00- 17:00 (Class starts on: 2015-01-05)
      Location: Labore Königin-Luise-Str. 28/30
    • 23404b Seminar
      S Funktionelle Neurobiologie (Hans-Joachim Pflüger, Silke Sachse, Marco Schubert, Natalia Kononenko)
      Schedule: im Block: 5.1. - 6.2.2015; 9:00 - 9:45 (Class starts on: 2015-01-05)
      Location: SR 006 Neuro/Mathe (Königin-Luise-Str. 24 / 26)
    • 23414a Seminar
      S Neuroethologie (Iris Adam, Ezequiel Mendoza)
      Schedule: im Block: 19.01. - 30.01.2015; täglich; 9:15- 11:00 (Class starts on: 2015-01-19)
      Location: 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 6)
    • 23414b Internship
      P Neuroethologie (Iris Adam, Ezequiel Mendoza)
      Schedule: im Block: 19.1. - 30.1.15; täglich; 11:00 - 17:30 (Class starts on: 2015-01-19)
      Location: 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 6)
    • Protein-Protein Interactions in vivo and in vitro (10 CP) 388bB2.3
    • Advanced Microbiology (10 CP) 388bB2.4
    • Molecular Virology (15 CP) 388bB2.5
    • Topics in Microbiology (15 CP) 388bB2.6
    • Special Molecular and Cell Biology (15 CP) 388bB3.11
    • Introduction to Epigenetics I - Epigenetic Mechanisms and their Biological Function (5 CP) 388bB3.2
    • Genetically Modified Crop Plants in Research and Agriculture (5 CP) 388bB3.4
    • Molecular Biology of Plants (10CP) 388bB3.5
    • In-depth Molecular and Cell Biology 388bB3.6
    • Molecular and Development Biology of Plants (15 CP) 388bB3.8
    • Molecular Development Genetics of Animals (15 CP) 388bB3.9
    • Current topics in Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology (5 CP) 388bB4.1
    • Embryonic Development of the Nervous System in Vertebrates (5 CP) 388bB4.2
    • Advanced Behavioural Neurogenetics (10 CP)A 388bB4.6
    • advanced Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology (10 CP) 388bB4.7
    • Topics in Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology (15 CP) 388bB4.8
    • Behavioural Biology (15 CP) 388bB4.9
    • Current Topics in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (5 CP) 388bB5.1
    • Introduction to Ecological Modelling (10 CP) 388bB5.10
    • Evolution and Biodiversity - Botany (10 CP) 388bB5.11
    • Evolution and Biodiversity - Zoology (10 CP) 388bB5.12
    • Organisms and their Environment (10CP) 388bB5.13
    • Advanced Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (10CP) 388bB5.14
    • Current and classic topics in Evolution and Ecology (15 LP) 388bB5.16
    • Ecology of Plants, Fungi and Micro-organisms (15 CP) 388bB5.17
    • Palaeontology A (15 CP) 388bB5.18
    • Palaeontology B (15 CP) 388bB5.19
    • Applied Molecular Phylogenetics (5 CP) 388bB5.2
    • Protozoology (15 CP) 388bB5.20
    • Special Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (15 CP) 388bB5.21
    • Introduction to Molecular Phylogenetics (5 CP) 388bB5.3
    • Current topics in Freshwater Ecology: Structure, Function and Dynamics (5CP) 388bB5.4
    • Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions (5CP) 388bB5.6
    • Collection Management - Curation (5 CP) 388bB5.7
    • Selected Methods of Ecological Modelling (10 CP) 388bB5.8
    • Biology and Pathology of Bees (10 CP) 388bB5.9
    • Current topics in Plant Sciences (5 CP) 388bB6.1
    • Molecular Physiology of Plant Acclimatisation and Adaption (15 CP) 388bB6.10
    • Topics in Plant Sciences (15 CP) 388bB6.11
    • Applied Plant Sciences (5 CP) 388bB6.2
    • Topics in Anatomy and Morphology of Flowering Plants (5 CP) 388bB6.3
    • Hormone Biology of Plants (5 CP) 388bB6.5
    • Applied Bioinformatics of Plants (10 CP) 388bB6.6
    • Flora and Vegetation of example habitats (10 CP) 388bB6.7
    • In-depth Plant Sciences (10 CP) 388bB6.8
    • Biochemistry and physiology of stress in Plants (15 CP) 388bB6.9
    • Research project Biology (15 CP) 388bC1.1
    • Research project Microbiology (15 CP) 388bC1.2
    • Research project Molecular and Cell Biology (15 CP) 388bC1.3
    • Research project Neurobiology and Behaviour (15 CP) 388bC1.4
    • Research project Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (15 CP) 388bC1.5
    • Research project Plant Sciences (15 CP) 388bC1.6
    • Project Biology (10 CP) 388bC2.1
    • Project Microbiology (10 CP) 388bC2.2
    • Project Molecular and Cell Biology (10 CP) 388bC2.3
    • Project Neurobiology and Behaviour (10 CP) 388bC2.4
    • Project Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (10 CP) 388bC2.5
    • Project Plant Sciences (10 CP) 388bC2.6

Subjects A - Z