WiSe 15/16: Seminar: Datenverwaltung - Location-based Services
Agnès Voisard
Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen
Very important: Registering in advance, attending the first session - as well as *all student talks* during the seminar - is mandatory.
Zielgruppe: Vertiefung im Gebiet Datenverwaltung.
Voraussetzungen: Mindestens eine vertiefende Veranstaltung im Bereich Datenverwaltung / Informationssysteme.
Location-based services are now often part of every day's life through applications such as navigation assistants in the public or private transportation domain. The underlying technology deals with many different aspects, such as location detection, information retrieval, or privacy. More recently, aspects such as user context and preferences were considered in order to send users more personalized information.
This seminar aims at studying the last trends in location-based services technology.
Wird bekannt gegeben.
15 Termine
Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung