40016 Workshop

WiSe 15/16: Preparing and Delivering Presentations in English

Sarah Hostmann

Hinweise für Studierende

Please register via E-Mail from 1st of October: sarah.hostmann@fu-berlin.de


This workshop is for students who have to give a presentation in English. The workshop will help you to develop your skills in preparing and delivering presentations. You will get personal feedback on a short presentation you will prepare and deliver during the course. We will evaluate it, and you will be able to apply new skills to improve it.

3 Termine

Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung

Mi, 13.01.2016 11:00 - 14:00

SSC, Iltisstraße 4, 14195 Berlin, Raum K009 (Untergeschoss)

Mi, 20.01.2016 11:00 - 14:00

SSC, Iltisstraße 4, 14195 Berlin, Raum K009 (Untergeschoss)

Mi, 27.01.2016 11:00 - 14:00

SSC, Iltisstraße 4, 14195 Berlin, Raum K009 (Untergeschoss)

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