WiSe 15/16: Praktikum: SCADA/ICS Security (Hacking-Lab)
Volker Roth, Johannes Klick, Stephan Lau, Daniel Marzin
Additional information / Pre-requisites
Veranstalungsprache: Deutsch
Telematik , TI-III (sowhol für Bachelor- als auch für Master-Stud. sofern Voraussetzungen erfüllt)
In the industrial production as well as in building management systems more and more digital control systems (SCADA / ICS) are used to interact with each other through networks. A compromise of these systems can lead to production losses or damages as the Stuxnet case showed. For this reason, this internship will give an introduction to SCADA systems, which will explicitly address the security of these systems. To begin with, the participants learn to program the systems from the user's perspective. Then the participants will learn how the systems can be compromised and what countermeasures can be taken to prevent this. The course includes a short introduction to Protocol-Reversing and Honey-Pot design. In terms of content, this course is currently unique in Europe, and it was done for the first time at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2014. This is the second time this course is being offered, giving the students an excellent specialization opportunity in the context of their studies.
closeSuggested reading
Automatisieren mit SPS (http://Iin k.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-8348-901 8-4/page/l) *Step7-Workbook - Eine praxisnahe Einführung in die STEP7-Programmiersprache
15 Class schedule
Regular appointments