WiSe 16/17: Labor and Globalization
Christian Güse
It is fair to say that the 1970s marked a drastic change for the way we deliver, produce and consume goods. With the emergence of global supply networks, connecting producers and retailers all around the globe, a physical global market has emerged that made national borders seemingly irrelevant. Technological advancements, such as container shipping and new communication technologies, completely restructured the transportation sector and lowered shipping costs almost to zero. For many, these developments marked not only the beginning of an age of globalization, but also the outcome of a long history of capitalist progress. At least, that is the common narrative. However, it also marked the beginning of raging inequalities, changing labor relations, deteriorating working conditions and geographical asymmetries. In this class we will take a closer look at the material side of globalization, namely global transportation, and the politics behind it. We will question the notion of technological determinism and linear progression and highlight, instead, the inequalities and asymmetries through which the system functions. We will take a closer look at the power struggles behind globalization and global transportation, and explore the role of workers, unions and the state in the facilitation and maintenance of these global transportation chains. Schließen
15 Termine
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