08390 Seminar

WiSe 16/17: VetMAB – Antibiotika-Minimierung im Stall

Antina Lübke-Becker

Information for students

Online-Kurs mit 2 Präsenz-Terminen; erster Präsenztermin am 20.10. Gr. A und Gr.B am 20.10. und 21.10. und Gr.B am 20.10.


African epidemics that affect livestock hamper the agricultural development in Africa through reduced productivity, mortality and trade restrictions. Therefore the livestock dependent people cannot fully participate on the so-called livestock revolution (increased demand of livestock products worldwide as a result of upcoming economies in developing countries), which affects their livelihood. This course will focus on 5 major livestock diseases (ASF, ECF, CBPP, CCPP, PPR) in Africa and discuss current problems of their control and introduce international efforts to harmonise control and to develop novel control measures. The students will learn the different settings in Africa that require different control strategies to progressively control dieases. Moreover they will learn about international efforts and institutions that are committed to combat diseases that are a potential thread to the rest of the world. The course will be accompanied by a German scientist who worked for more than 9 years on the development of smart point of care diagnostics and novel vaccines in sub-Saharan Africa. close

Additional appointments

Thu, 2016-10-20 13:30 - 14:15

Dr. Antina Lübke-Becker

Hörsaal Tierpathologie (Robert-von-Ostertag-Str. 15)

Thu, 2017-02-09 13:30 - 14:15

Dr. Antina Lübke-Becker

Hörsaal Tierpathologie (Robert-von-Ostertag-Str. 15)

Subjects A - Z