WiSe 16/17: Auswirkungen der Informatik
Lutz Prechelt
Additional information / Pre-requisites
3 weeks block seminar during the semester break: 27.02.-17.03.2017; daily lecture starting at 10am (s.t.) in the lecture hall Takustr. 9, plus tutorials before or after (refer to homepage)
Target group
BSc students and school teacher BSc students studying computer science as a major or minor
ALP II or Informatik B
The course language is German, including all slides and practice sheets.
This course deals with the consequences of computer science. Its aim is to establish an understanding of the fact that computer systems intervene in manifold ways in our private and professional lifes and shapen them. Many of these influences bring about major risks and need a conscious and enlightened composition in which computer scientists by nature play an important role -- or should at least do so.
We will for example have a look at how computerisation influences our private sphere, economics and society as a whole, our security and working environment. A conceptual introduction will provide orientational knowledge besides basic knowledge (Verfügungswissen) and strategies how to deal with both: analyse critically and get involved in the technical development.
closeSuggested reading
15 Class schedule
Regular appointments