WiSe 17/18: Seminar/Proseminar: Intelligente Lehr-/Lernsysteme
Christoph Benzmüller, Carsten Ullrich
The accelerating development of intelligent tools and systems in the area of artificial intelligence will also have implications for the
education and job market. In this seminar/proseminar we will study and discuss intelligent teaching and learning environments.
The notion of intelligent teaching and learning environments thereby includes intelligent tutoring systems and adaptive hypermedia systems.
The goal of this seminar/proseminar is to acquire an overview on this area:
- Current state of developments on intelligent teaching and learning environments
- Current research activities, with a particular focus on Berlin and the DFKI
- Applications of respective systems, for example, in high school and university education or in the occupational field
- Core challenges (methodologically, technically, didactically, etc.) for the development of such systems
- Specific topics: adaptivity, modelling of teaching content, learner model, software development, reusability and portability, etc.
A further goal of the seminar is to reflect upon and discuss the potential social and societal implications of increasing applications of such technology.
closeSuggested reading
Literaturangaben folgen.
5 Class schedule
Additional appointments
Fri, 2017-10-13 10:00 - 12:00Regular appointments