WiSe 18/19: Open quantum systems and measurement theory
Anja Metelmann
Future quantum technologies require a deep understanding of how to control, manipulate and read-out a quantum system. Crucially, obtaining knowledge about a quantum system calls for methods going beyond classical measurement schemes. In addition, extracting information of a quantum system via a measurement requires the system to be opened up
to the measurement apparatus, hence a prerequisite for quantum measurement theory is the knowledge of open quantum system theory, i.e., the description as well as implications of the coupling of the quantum system to it's environment.
In principle, already the coupling to an environment can be understood as a continuous measurement performed on the quantum system -- whereby here all information is lost into the environment.
This class gives an introduction into open quantum systems and quantum measurement theory. The course is accompanied by current examples from quantum information protocols in superconducting circuit architectures and mechanical systems in the quantum regime.
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