WiSe 18/19: V Methoden der funktionellen Genomforschung von Mikroorganismen
Haike Antelmann
Hinweise für Studierende
Zusätzlich 4 Plätze für Biochemiker;
Zusätzliche Modulinfos: http://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/studium-lehre/studiengaenge/biologie/master_bio/Modulbeschreibungen_SPO_2018/Modulbeschreibungen_-Lehrveranstaltungsvarianten_MSc_Bio/Varianten_MSc_Bio/Methoden-der-funktionellen-Genomforschung-von-Mikroorganismen_Antelmann.pdf Schließen
Zusätzliche Modulinfos: http://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/studium-lehre/studiengaenge/biologie/master_bio/Modulbeschreibungen_SPO_2018/Modulbeschreibungen_-Lehrveranstaltungsvarianten_MSc_Bio/Varianten_MSc_Bio/Methoden-der-funktionellen-Genomforschung-von-Mikroorganismen_Antelmann.pdf Schließen
Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen
bisher unter dem Titel "V Spezielle Kapitel der molekularen Mikrobiologie"
This lecture will be a follow-up lecture of the basic microbiology lecture (Vertiefungsmodul) which will deepen the knowledge of microbial cell biology and physiology and focus on molecular and physiological aspects of adapation of microorganisms to diverent habitats, microbial ecology, diversity of microbial metabolism, microbial taxonomy, protein export mechanisms, biofilms, microbial pathogens, pathogenicity and antibiotics resistance mechanism and the various mechanisms of regulation of gene expressions. In addition, modern methods of genomics and functional genomics (e.g. DNA-sequencing, metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics) will be introduced that are used today to study microbial physiology at the global scale.
The students will get a deep understanding of microbial physiology and the use of molecular methods in molecular mircobiology. At the end of this lecture and the seminar the students are able understand scientific papers which will be practiced during the seminar.
The programme of the lecture and the accompanying seminar will be briefly outlined at the beginning of the lecture on 18.10.2018.
The module exam will be a written examination in the last lecture (07.02.2019 13:15-14:15) in the "Alte Bibliothek", Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16a. Schließen
The students will get a deep understanding of microbial physiology and the use of molecular methods in molecular mircobiology. At the end of this lecture and the seminar the students are able understand scientific papers which will be practiced during the seminar.
The programme of the lecture and the accompanying seminar will be briefly outlined at the beginning of the lecture on 18.10.2018.
The module exam will be a written examination in the last lecture (07.02.2019 13:15-14:15) in the "Alte Bibliothek", Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16a. Schließen